okay. i'm really getting very bored. and there's like nothing much to blog this days thanks to mid-years. no more crazy shopping during GSS. not many outings. not many meet-up sessions. not many drama serial marathons. sigh ): and in any case, the guilt is always there when you try to do something other than studying. i seriously can't wait for after A's. hahahas (: . oh wells. friday wasn't that bad actually. lyn came to my house to study for until around six before she left and i left for dinner. Had an extremely sumptuous meal at tung lok at east coast (: and i ate my favourite cereal prawn (: hehehe. i feel so blessed to have foodie family. hahas. i think i'm gonna grow fat twenty years down the road! and no one will ever recognise me again ): hahahas. hope not.
Let's just hope that i'll fully utilise the june holidays to get more beauty sleep, to catch up with friends, to study, to eat good food, to watch my favourite ming zhong zhu ding wo ai ni, to surf the net, to play online games, to go shopping, to watch tv, to go swimming and to do thorough revision! hahas. seems like so much things to do for a one month. but we'll try. let's work hard, for a marvellous whole new post-exam experience awaits us. let's go.
but somehow, studying
i think i'll have to continue delluding myself till the end of this year. hahahas.
11:41 PM
hahas (: and so, yesterday (26th May 2008), I met up early with allie and we went bakerzinn (: had sinful but yummy desserts which are very nice but abit costly. I had chocolate souffle while she had her warm chocolate cake. Very yummy indeed. hahahas(: i think everyone should eat desserts when they're feeling depressed because it totally perks me up (: desserts make me happy. ahahas. Did abit of work before i received the message that felix, leslie, kenneth and jin chuen had already reached VIVO! got quite abit of a shock. hahas. cuz i thought they were only supposed to reach singapore at 6.30. Turned out that it was because the cable-ski generator broke down resulted in their early return! hahas. sad case. hahas. So, me and allie went to meet them at GV. Had the initial intentions of catching a movie before meeting eugene, guan hua, joshua, guo hao, eunice and sie hui arrived from their ktv-ing. hahahas. BUT sadly):, there wasn't any movies showing at that time. hahahas. and, we ended up playing cards at the water area at vivo after playing para para at the arcade in vivo. OMG. and i tried para para for the first time. Must have looked quite dumb cuz it was my first time playing and i raised my hands super high =X. NOOOOO. LoL. but quite fun. Played asshole daidee later on, and all i can say was that ... i kept loosing and "claimed" the title of asshole several times ): BOOHOO. hahas.
At around 7+ -8, joined the rest and we ate at carl's junior. shared with allie. yupps (: i think that marks the day. Blog some other time then.
Of course, pictures are a must!
Chocolate souffle with vanilla ice cream :Þ
Allie's dessert. Warm chocolate cake.
EVIL allie not wanting to play para para!
Done with the pictures and the posting! byebyeeee
10:12 AM
I really wonder why i'm feeling so tired these few days. hahas. maybe lethargic is the word. hopefully i'll be more energetic for the coming month! hahas. met up with puay and allie on friday to copy some notes for e-learning because the stupid server was lagging way too much. hahas(: ended up at swensen's copying and eating (: and i should seriously start saving on food. hahas. Soon after, allie went for her piano lesson while me and puay decided to walk around. i wanted to find the nice blouse from esprit, but they didn't have my size again! >:( so i didn't get any loots. except for some meiji tid-bits. PUCCA! nice nice choco pretzel. it's even nicer than not hello singtel but hello panda. hahahs (: feeling lamed out. 0.o
Tried ucrown with allie at Osim after she came back from her piano lesson. hahahas. the initial feeling was super funny because it felt as if your head is being compressed! hahahas. but you'll feel rather relaxed after wearing the ucrown! nice nice feeling! i think everyone should go and try it! that marked the end of friday. hahas (: did nothing much after, just slacked all the way. hahahas (:
and... my sister just went to BANGKOK yesterday after she just came back from shanghai not long ago. this is so UNFAIRRRRR ):
5:15 PM
gonna go parkway tmr to copy some stuff from allie and lay puay. hope it's still on (: hahaass. have been looking through the pictures of eze village. and the scenieries are really breath-taking. wish i could time travel back ): hahas. but i shan't complain anymore and be happy that it happened!
i think it's time to start working hard. even though.... it's really boring to study! hahas (:
i shall end off with a picture. bye people !
scenery shot taken at eze village (:
10:27 PM
WELL... today was a very happening days with many events and the best part of it was that, there was no actual lessons today. except for maybe bio which was the pGLO workshop! and after bio SPA, we headed down to JALAN BESAR!!(: for the soccer match between MJC and VJC ! yea! and we emerged as champions for this year (: the first goal was scored during the first few minutes! the match was really exciting! not for the frail hearted! sigh. but soccer cheering today was seriously... not very good i would say. blame it on their inexperience? maybe. but the weird thing is that the councillor told us to cheer when we were cheering our hearts out. hope the newest editions to the council family would learn from this!! seriously!!but in any case... MJC STILL WON! (: that's a happy happy thing.
half of the girls! (: and some guys
ME. SHINI and ALLIE at NYDC. oman. look at cookie monster and elmo! hahas (: super cute aren't they? hahahas.
and i'm really lazy to upload the rest of the photos already! hehehe. okays (: i think i'm going to sleep very soon. since there's e-learning at 8am tomorrow! wth ): a scheduled e-learning. much much anticipated dreaded.
goodnight everybody. stay happy.
9:57 PM
I'm back to blog! (: and i've changed my blog template to something really really simple! hehe. haven't been blogging for more than a week! OH and so... on friday, we played soccer during P.E. with the guys and all i can say is that... i can't play soccer at all. many many air kicks and embarrassing moments. But it was fun on the whole (: yupyup. and so after school, i went home before catching IRON MAN with my mommy. and all i can say is that, their technology is so so so advanced! and tony stark's phone is VERY EXTREMELY nice. makes me wanna change phone asap! ): my phone is really outdated. hahas(:
Just went shopping yesterday at parkway parade! and i had to buy a new water bottle because i couldn't find my old water bottle ): somebody stole it. i think. sigh ): hahas. and the thing is that... i bought the same design again. 0.o better not lose my new water bottle anymore!
This week will be extremely short! only have to go to school on tuesday and wednesday! but... the short week comes with our much dreaded e-learning! and this is no ordinary e-learning. it's a SCHEDULED ONE. omg. that's very disgusting indeed. The amount of work given for e-learning is much more than what we were to be given if there was school. ROAR. o'wells.
that's all for now. till then (:
11:20 AM
nothing happened much today except that there was no pe once again and we booked the discussion room for one period! it's a nice place to study. cuz you can talk inside the room (: hahas. sense the irony. lol.
On a random note, i think i'm just pretty much too sensitive at sensitive. i wish i wasn't but i can't help it sometimes. maybe it's just a consequence of thinking too much? hahas. yup. and maybe i should stop criticising other people and perhaps be self-reflective. hahas(:
I hope next week won't be as boring! but o'wells. it's hard to say cuz nowadays... school life is just plain boringness. yup. that's all that i wanna say.
I need retail therapy!!! (:
i miss the december holidays
i miss eating the yummy food!
i miss travelling!
i miss the pretty sceneries!
life WITHOUT homework! (:
just a few more months and i'll be able to enjoy what i used to enjoy in the past! hahas(: this is such a random post! lol.
P.S. i'm really really super duper forgetful. i had wanted to blog about bag pack day and i totally forgot! AHHH. yea (: so today...many many girls in 07s304 carried bag-packs!! hhahas(:
and my sisters will be leaving for shanghai tmr!! i'm gonna miss disturbing them for a week!!! ):
7:08 PM
Had many many talks today. firstly the econs talk whereby we invited the treasury advisor?? of UOB to give us a talk on how the things that we study are relavant in the society. hahas. quite boring. cuz i practically didn't know what he was talking about. was talking talking to joc about the places we visited. and i really want to have a GRADUATION TRIP after the A's (: perhaps hongkong? or somewhere that's a food and shopping haven! omg. that thought totally thrills me! sigh. but firstly we have to concentrate on our studies ): hehe. but can't wait can't wait... hope we'll even plan for one (:
all right. i need to go back to doing stats. i really can't do stats ): and the weekends are arriving! (:
9:40 PM
I'm feeling really exhausted now. just came home not long ago from the airport. went to eat with my family at the airport today to send my father off to china. it's the 2nd of may and it's my sister and father's birthday!
i'm currently hooked on the taiwanese drama serial 'fated to love you'. hahahas. but i've been like marathoning on wednesday night before the labour day holiday (: and now. i have to wait every week just for one episode ): hahas! Good luck for bio spa nxt week. and after this... there won't be anymore "SPA manual mugging"! yes!! that's great (:
12:07 AM
hello. my name's siwei(:®
i'm currently studying at
Nanyang Technological University
used to study at
mjc, tkgs and rss
i'm an august baby(:
my boyfriend, friends and family
make me feel blessed
since you're at my blog
you should know me(:
so happy reading(:
health for life(:
a white bag
more dresses
more shorts
a nice pair of specky
a nice watch
wishing for a good grade
in uni
for my hair to grow long):
and the list goes on...