Tuesday, April 04, 2006
there's always a rainbow after every downpour
it's time that i updated my blog! haven't been updating for a month. Totally no mood in blogging recently. Anyway, i passed my grade 8. hahaha. I bet it was because the examiner didn't want me to fail my grade 8 once again and so he decided to let me pass (:This term hasn't been too good for me . It's already april and mid-years is round the corner! Haven't been doing constant revision because of all the small tests that were needed to study for. Actually, i seriously think that my tuition does no help at all! My grades aren't improving, instead, they're falling at an appalling rate! But nevermind. There's still two weeks to the mid-years and there's still time to buck up and get ready to sit for the examinations.
Today, we had our emaths test. It's super difficult! to me. I totally missed out the currency question which was below the histogram question! they should not lump them together. Just think, at one glance, you would obviously think that the questions are related right? But they're not! what is wrong with the setter? they should at least leave some space before printing that question. = ( 10 marks have already been deducted from that effing emaths paper! I totally underestimated the difficulty of the emaths paper. I so thought that it was going to be an easy paper. But the setter proved me wrong ):
I'll really have to try harder for mid-years. AND STOP getting distracted from this stupid computer. Well, it's my fault that i can't resist temptations. haha. I'm externalizing! = / That isn't a good sign i suppose. I shall try to obtain better results for mid-years!
♥signing off now♥
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