♥walking down the memory lane
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
i worked the opening shift with jolene!
and i was the cashier
was supposed to stock-take today but didn't have the time to do
so i'm doing it tmr

puay dropped by after her cycling(:
walked abit and stood against the barrister and we started talking
seriously, we've not beennnn meeting up ):
we should have some gathering soon before school starts with the other girls too yea!!:D
i'm still so full from the famous amos cookies and dinner! lol

i'm tired!
going to sleep alr cause i'll be doing opening tmr with doris!
goodnight people(:

if you're not me,
you wouldn't know what exactly is running through my mind.
being presumptuous
is only making things worse
and really.
i wasn't fed-up at all
misintepretations and misunderstandings
they drive me mad.
sorry seems to be the hardest word
when i don't feel that i've done any wrong
and u wonder why sometimes i just don't apologise.

♥signing off now♥
12:16 AM


hello. my name's siwei(:®
i'm currently studying at
Nanyang Technological University
used to study at
mjc, tkgs and rss
i'm an august baby(:
my boyfriend, friends and family
make me feel blessed
since you're at my blog
you should know me(:
so happy reading(:

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