Saturday, December 06, 2008
went for joslyn's dance performance ytd. it was pretty well done. the only bad thing about it was that it was at woodlands. so far right? hahahas. yea(: during the concert, they should this video in which there were many unfortunate kids born with a cleft lip. so this concert is supposed to aid them in their surgery. i think everybody should count their blessings ya? (:
thankfully, we decided to rush off to catch the train. cuz we would have missed the LAST TRAIN of the east-west line from jurong east int if we hadn't done so. (sigh of relief (: ) if not.... i think i would be very broke this month!! taxis in singapore are not cheap or reasonably priced anymore! especially irritating mid-night charges!! yea.
i'm awfully dead tired. i wonder why): luckily i'm at home nua-ing right now (: sometimes it's just very relaxing to stay at home and just do nothing.... no worries whatsoever....
life is like a jig-saw puzzle isn't it?
that's what i think about life. hahaas.
♥signing off now♥
6:29 PM
6:29 PM